
I'm Louis

Second year Ph.D student Physics, also passionate
about photography and coding

About me

My name is Neo.

Actually it’s not, my name is Louis Delloye, but I too love learning numerous new skills, only I cannot download them straight to my brain. During the past few years, I really discovered the power of learning new things and discovering various subjects, and here I am learning and reading, as fast as I can, about almost anything I can.

I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Physics at Laboratory Kastler-Brossel, Sorbonne University. Those studies are really a great opportunity to better understand how the world around me functions and they also drive my thirst of knowledge and understanding. Thanks to that, I learned almost ten different programming languages, managed to keep my photography hobby going, passed several driving licences and recently started learning Italian and Chinese. I will be passionate about anything I might encounter and therefore any project I’m working on !

For any additional information you might want to take a look at my CV.


Kepler telescope representation

During the first semester of my Physics Master’s Degree I took a course titled artificial intelligence (AI) for physicians. I chose the subject "Exoplanet Hunting in Deep Space ". Through this project, I learned how to use almost every availble asset of AI and how to avoid making the most common mistakes in AI. With the help of my partner, I placed first in this course and obtained the score of 95/100.

Tapioca toys elastic surface project

I had the opportunity to help improve the open-source project Tapioca Toys developped by User Studio. This project was created to showcase a specific type of interfaces called DIRTi interfaces.

XCode screenshot

In the hopes of learning a new programming language, I challenged myself to build an app from scratch. This app was a trying to solve problems people witht ADHD might encounter in their daily life while trying to organise their days and projects whether it is on a personal or professional level.


Want to build something together ? Let's discuss this over coffee ?